[Returns: -10%] Versailles Fire Pit
£ 86.99
- Low stock - order quickly! In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. Low stock - order quickly!
- Shipping time: 6 - 8 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Condition - like new, with minor signs of wear
Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
Top features
Secure campfire and practical source of heat with 60 cm diameter for a garden party
Elegant garden decoration with filigree, fleur-de-lis pattern lit up by fire shining through
High-quality, durable metal
- Decorative, round fire bowl for the garden
- Heat source for cooler evenings
- Romantic fleur-de-lis optics, differently sized lateral cutouts
- Metal in washed vintage design
- Robust metal shell, including poker
- Filigree spark protection for carefree gathering around the fire
- Beautiful, simple handles for easy transport
- Three rugged legs
- Beautiful garden decoration, even on warm days
Dimensions and Technical Details
- Height: about 40 cm
- Diameter: about 60 cm
- Weight: about 8.6 kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x fire bowl
- 1 x spark protection
- 1 x poker
- User manual in English (other languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
Shipping time: 6 - 8 days
No review available for this item.
Excellent produit et correspond parfaitement à mes attentes.
Excellent product and perfectly meets my expectations.
Loved the pit after assembly, so disappointed to find the lid was the wrong size and two. Amazing customer service they instantly gave me a full refund- excellent service.
Loved the pit after assembly, so disappointed to find the lid was the wrong size and two. Amazing customer service they instantly gave me a full refund- excellent service.
Feuerschale ist echt oft in Betrieb-und,sogar funkschutzgitter ist immer noch top(hätte ich mir nicht gedacht) Finde die Optik echt schön-endlich eine Feuerschale die nicht rund ist…… Ich kann es nur weiter empfehlen ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The fire bowl is really often in use-and even the radio protection grille is still great (I wouldn't have thought so) I think the look is really nice-finally a fire bowl that isn't round... I can only recommend it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Eine sehr schöne, optisch ansprechende Feuerschale. Sie wurde sehr gut verpackt angeliefert, so dass die Mosaikumrandung unbeschädigt ankam (war bei unserer vorherigen und zuletzt neu bestellten Feuerschale über einen anderen Anbieter nicht so). Das Gestell könnte etwas stabiler sein, beim Verschieben wackelt die Schale ein wenig (da die Schale nicht so schwer ist, kann diese aber auch bequem angehoben und versetzt werden). Einziges Manko (falls man es so nennen möchte): es fehlte eine Befestigungsschraube und die Beschreibung war beim ersten Aufbauschritt etwas verwirrend (das Gestell sollte mit Muttern befestigt werden, es waren aber keine entsprechenden Schrauben angebracht). Die mitgelieferten Einzelteile entsprachen nicht der Einzelteilbeschreibung (laut Beschreibung 3 Schrauben, es waren aber mehr; diese wurden aber auch benötigt, um das Gestell zu befestigen/zusammen zu schrauben; am Ende fehlte eine Schrauben, um ein Teil uner der Schale anzubringen). Alles in allem aber eine tolle Feuerschale.
A very nice, visually appealing fire bowl. It was delivered very well packaged, so that the mosaic border arrived undamaged (was not the case with our previous and most recently newly ordered fire bowl from another supplier). The frame could be a little more stable, the shell wobbles a bit when you move it (since the shell is not that heavy, it can also be easily lifted and moved). The only drawback (if you want to call it that): it was missing a fastening screw and the description was a bit confusing during the first step of assembly (the frame was supposed to be fastened with nuts, but no corresponding screws were attached). The individual parts supplied did not correspond to the description of the individual parts (according to the description 3 screws, but there were more; these were also needed to attach/screw the frame together; at the end one screw was missing to attach a part under the shell). All in all a great fire bowl.
einfach sehr schön, preiswert.
simply very beautiful, inexpensive.
Es war etwas komisch als das Packet kam und so leicht war, aber zusammen gebaut macht er einen robusten Eindruck, er sieht auch sehr schick aus ;)
It was a bit strange when the package came and it was so light, but put together it makes a robust impression, it also looks very chic ;)
Feuerschale ist soweit ok Material sehr dünn stellenweise nicht gut verschweißt aber klar für diesen Preis und um hin und wieder ein Feuerschen zu machen ok ist halt dünnes Metal kein VA Blech .
Fire bowl is ok so far, material is very thin, not well welded in places, but clearly for this price and to make a little fire every now and then, ok, thin metal is just not VA sheet metal.
Sieht auf den Bildern und fertig aufgebaut auf den ersten Blick sehr massiv und wertig aus. Insgesamt aber alles nur dünnes blech. Mehr Schein als sein. Steht jetzt seit 8 Wochen auf der Freiterrasse unten im Garten. Bis jetzt unbenutzt. Liegt zum einen am schlechten Wetter und zim anderen daran, daß es eigentlich irgendwie unnötig ist. Von der Qualität bin ich nicht enttäuscht, aber nur weil mir klar war, dass da gar nichts anderes geliefert werden kann. Beginnt bereits nach dem ersten Regen zu rosten. Wird demnächst auf jeden Fall, in einen nicht gepflasterten Bereich gestellt, da es Rostflecken auf dem Boden gibt. Das ist zwar normal, muss aber nicht sein.
Looks in the pictures and fully assembled at first glance very solid and valuable. Overall, everything is just thin sheet metal. More appearances than reality. Has been standing on the open terrace in the garden below for 8 weeks now. Until now unused. On the one hand it is due to the bad weather and on the other hand it is somehow unnecessary. I am not disappointed with the quality, but only because I knew that nothing else could be supplied. Starts to rust after the first rain. Definitely going to put it in an unpaved area soon as there are rust spots on the floor. This is normal, but doesn't have to be.
Gutes Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Sicher gibt es hochwertigere. Es bleibt abzuwarten, wie witterungsbeständig das Material ist. Sehr nützlich ist auf jeden Fall der Funkenflugschutz. Außerdem ein schönes Dekoelement im Garten.
Good value for money. There are definitely better ones out there. It remains to be seen how weather resistant the material is. The spark protection is definitely very useful. Also a nice decorative element in the garden.
Vielen Dank für die schnelle Lieferung. Die Feuerschale musste zwar zusammengebaut werden, das war aber schnell erledigt. Optisch schon Mal Top. Wirkt robust, kann ich aber, wie die Qualität erst nach der Nutzung richtig bewerten Die Schale hat für uns eine ausreichende Größe. Soweit erstmal sehr zufrieden.
Thank you for the quick delivery. The fire bowl had to be assembled, but that was done quickly. Optically top. Seems robust, but I can only properly assess the quality after use. The bowl is a sufficient size for us. So far very satisfied.
Die Feuerschale ist sehr formschön. Die Montage der Standfüße ist, dank des beiliegenden Zubehör`s einfach und schnell erledigt.
The fire bowl is very shapely. The assembly of the feet is done quickly and easily thanks to the enclosed accessories.
Optisch ein Highlight und von der Qualität auch super. Bin sehr zufrieden.
Visually a highlight and the quality is also great. I am very pleased.
Grundsätzlich gut! Füße allerdings sehr wackelig!
Basically good! Feet very shaky though!
Lo he usado dos veces y de momento genial. La tapa de rejilla no sirve para nada pero eso ya lo sabia.
I've used it twice and it's been great so far. The mesh cover is useless but I already knew that.
Really good quality ,looks beautiful .Easy to put legs etc on .Great service too
Really good quality ,looks beautiful .Easy to put legs etc on .Great service too
Era bello grande, leggero da trasportare... Un bel braciere per il giardino!
It was nice and big, light to carry... A nice fire pit for the garden!
Die Feuerschale ist sehr stabil, das Paket wog 20kg. Der Aufbau war schnell erledigt und das Feuer zu genießen gefällt unserer ganzen Familie. Die Optik ist etwas vintagelike, passt zu verschiedensten Stillen. Daumen hoch.
The fire bowl is very stable, the package weighed 20kg. It was easy to set up and our whole family loves to enjoy the fire. The look is a bit vintage-like, goes well with a wide variety of breastfeeding styles. Thumbs up.
Super Feuerschale. Schnelle Lieferung. Bin absolut zufrieden damit!
Super fire bowl. Fast delivery. I'm absolutely happy with it!
Fantastico, fa la sua figura specialmente per feste con amici. Lefgero ma stabile e facilissimo da montare
Fantastic, makes its figure especially for parties with friends. Light but stable and very easy to assemble
Sieht schön aus und sitzen regelmäßig am Feuer zum genießen.
Looks nice and regularly sit by the fire to enjoy.
Muy bueno para sentarse después del anochecer. Estoy muy feliz con ello
Very good to sit in after dark. I am very happy with it.
Die Feuerschale wurde zeitgerecht geliefert, sieht sehr hübsch aus und ließ sich problemlos zusammenbauen. Der Funkenschutz ist sehr nützlich - meine Feuerschale steht auf einer Holzterrasse, daher ist der Funkenschutz für mich ganz wichtig. Angestautes Regenwasser rinnt gut ab - die Schale kann also auch nach Regen problemlos angeheizt werden. Ich kann diese Feuerschale wärmstens empfehlen.
The fire bowl was delivered on time, looks very pretty and was easy to assemble. The spark arrestor is very useful - my fire bowl is on a wooden deck so the spark arrestor is very important to me. Accumulated rainwater runs off well - so the bowl can be heated up easily even after it has rained. I would highly recommend this fire bowl.
Muy util
Very useful
Molto bello, particolare, corrisponde alla descrizione, da un tono bellissimo al giardino, il materiale è leggero ma consono all'utilizzo. Da comprare!!!
Very beautiful, unique, corresponds to the description, gives a beautiful tone to the garden, the material is light but suitable for use. To buy!!!
Ho comprato questo braciere da giardino per fare un regalo ad un parente. E' arrivato puntuale, è stato facile da montare anche grazie agli strumenti in dotazione. Ottimo e resistente per una prima accensione.
I bought this garden fire pit as a gift for a relative. It arrived on time, it was easy to assemble thanks to the tools provided. Excellent and resistant for a first lighting.
très bon produit, montage facile semble solide à voir à la longue. déjà 2 flambées réalisées et beaucoup de plaisir
very good product, easy assembly seems solid to see in the long run. already 2 outbreaks made and lots of fun
très bon produit, montage facile semble solide à voir à la longue. déjà 2 flambées réalisées et beaucoup de plaisir
very good product, easy assembly seems solid to see in the long run. already 2 outbreaks made and lots of fun
très bon produit, montage facile semble solide à voir à la longue. déjà 2 flambées réalisées et beaucoup de plaisir
very good product, easy assembly seems solid to see in the long run. already 2 outbreaks made and lots of fun
il prodotto ricorda molto un braciere (oggetto usato parecchi anni fa per riscaldare l'ambiente) ma dalle dimensioni nettamente maggiorate! Si presenta come un grande recipiente in acciaio munito di 3 piedi per sollevarlo da terra, due manici per il trasporto ed un comodissimo para scintille oltre al bastone per rimuovere lo stesso para scintille o sistemare la legna ardente. Il suo utilizzo non prevede la possibilità di arrostire la carne a mo di barbecue ma penso che munendosi di una graticola adatta dalle dimensioni esatte, possa essere utilizzato anche per questo. Molto belle anche le decorazioni sul fianco che, essendo traforate, permettono al fuoco di respirare e quindi di essere ben alimentato. Consigliato!!
the product is very reminiscent of a brazier (an object used several years ago to heat the room) but with significantly larger dimensions! It looks like a large steel container equipped with 3 feet to lift it from the ground, two handles for transport and a very comfortable spark guard as well as the stick to remove the spark guard or arrange the burning wood. Its use does not include the possibility of roasting meat like a barbecue but I think that by equipping yourself with a suitable grill of the exact dimensions, it can also be used for this. The decorations on the side are also very nice which, being perforated, allow the fire to breathe and therefore be well fed. Recommended!!
Diese Feuerschale wurde von mir zu Weihnachten verschenkt und kam überpünktlich an. Hier schonmal einen großen Pluspunkt, trotz sperriger Größe. Zur Verpackung selbst war alles sehr gut und transportsicher verpackt. Es war kein unangenehmer Geruch oder eine Beschädigung festgestellt worden. Die Feuerschale kam so gut als Geschenk an, dass diese sogar später (nach der Bescherung) noch aufgebaut wurde. Der Aufbau war kinderleicht dank der beiliegenden Anleitung und war innerhalb weniger Minuten aufgebaut. Das einzige, was aufgefallen ist, dass das Gitter (der Funkenschutz) minimal verformt war, was der Funktion oder dem Aussehen nicht geschadet hat. Daher fließt dies auch nicht negativ in meine Bewertung ein. Der einzige negative Aspekt (und auch der Grund für die 4/5 Sternen) ist, dass an der Außenseite größere Aufkleber waren(unter anderem ein QR-Code), die nicht so einfach abgingen. An der Stelle vllt ein Verbesserungsvorschlag, diese auf der Anleitung zu vermerken. Wäre letzter genannter Aspekt nicht würde ich auch 5 von 5 Sternen vergeben, aber auch so eine klare Kaufempfehlung. Hinzuzufügen ist zudem, das kein Grillrost der Feuerschale beilag.
This fire bowl was given away by me for Christmas and arrived on time. Here's a big plus point, despite the bulky size. As for the packaging itself, everything was packed very well and securely for transport. No unpleasant odor or damage was noted. The fire bowl was so well received as a gift that it was even set up later (after the gifts had been given). The assembly was very easy thanks to the enclosed instructions and was assembled within a few minutes. The only thing that stood out is that the grille (the spark arrestor) was slightly deformed, which did not detract from the function or the appearance. Therefore, this does not have a negative impact on my rating. The only negative aspect (and also the reason for the 4/5 stars) is that there were larger stickers (including a QR code) on the outside that did not come off easily. At the point maybe a suggestion for improvement, to note this on the instructions. If it weren't for the last mentioned aspect, I would also give it 5 out of 5 stars, but also a clear purchase recommendation. It should also be added that no grill grate was included with the fire bowl.
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Ce brasero produit assurément son petit effet. Il est livré dans un énorme carton et le montage se révèle facile (30 min en prenant mon temps en compagnie de ma fille qui a apporté sa contribution). Mauvaise surprise du côté de la cuve, très souple et assez fragile qui portait plusieurs marques et était abîmée dans un coin. Quelques coups de maillet ont résolu le problème. On dispose d'une grille pour faire griller des châtaignes à l'occasion. Toutefois, la place en dessous est étroite et on ne pourra y mettre qu'un peu de charbon de bois, pas de quoi assurer un vrai barbecue. En enlevant la grille, on retrouve de la place et on pourra disposer des bûches pour pouvoir profiter du brasero lors de soirées plus fraîches. La grille qui permet d'éviter que des particules ne s'échappent est bien pratique. Il faudra par contre la manipuler avec précaution et uniquement avec le tisonnier fourni, car elle chauffe très vite. Je me suis moi-même fait surprendre en début de feu et avec des gants pourtant (la poignée était tentante !). Si le carrelage est lourd et assure la stabilité de l'ensemble, j'ai plus de doutes sur « le métal robuste de haute qualité ». Le pourtour est à l'inverse très fin et paraît fragile et je doute de sa résistance au pire des ennemis : le temps. J'ai comme l'impression qu'il va falloir le couvrir pour le protéger de la pluie. Pour vider la cuve de ses cendres, il suffit de la prendre, car elle est très légère, rendant l'opération très aisée. En définitive, je reste conquis par ce brasero, mais il reste à voir comment il va se comporter dans le temps en restant à l'air libre. Pour le moment, que ce soit en décoration sur la terrasse ou en fonctionnement le soir, c'est parfait. - Ce produit m'a été fourni gracieusement par le distributeur pour une évaluation. -
The media product could not be loaded. This brazier certainly produces its little effect. It comes in a huge box and assembly is easy (30 mins taking my time with my daughter who made her contribution). Bad surprise on the side of the tank, very flexible and quite fragile which bore several marks and was damaged in one corner. A few taps with the mallet solved the problem. We have a grill for roasting chestnuts on occasion. However, the space below is narrow and you can only put a little charcoal there, not enough to ensure a real barbecue. By removing the grill, we find space and can place logs to enjoy the brazier on cooler evenings. The grid which prevents particles from escaping is very practical. On the other hand, you will have to handle it with care and only with the poker provided, because it heats up very quickly. I myself was surprised at the start of the fire and with gloves on (the handle was tempting!). If the tiles are heavy and ensure the stability of the whole, I have more doubts about “high quality robust metal”. The rim, on the other hand, is very thin and seems fragile and I doubt its resistance to the worst enemy: time. I have the impression that we will have to cover it to protect it from the rain. To empty the tank of ashes, simply pick it up, as it is very light, making the operation very easy. Ultimately, I remain won over by this brazier, but it remains to be seen how it will behave over time while remaining in the open air. For the moment, whether as decoration on the terrace or in operation in the evening, it's perfect. - This product was provided to me free of charge by the distributor for evaluation. -
Produit livré rapidement dans un emballage propre et soigné comme à son habitude pour ce revendeur . Un modèle de brasero carré qui peut être utilisé avec des bûches ou du charbon. Le plateau est carrelé sur le pourtour façon pierre méditerranéen. Il est parfait pour vous faire une petite source de chaleur lors des soirée fraîches en cette saison. De plus il peut également être utilisé en grill barbecue lors de petites soirées entre convive il fera son job à 100 %.. Et son effet auprès de ces derniers. Il est arrivé en kit montage ultra rapide en moins de 20 minutes. La notice est en anglais mais aucun besoin pour le montage si vous la souhaitez en français demandez la directement auprès du revendeur réponse très rapide. C'est le second produit que l'on possède de cette nous avons déjàBlumfeldt Tulip - Brasero de jardin en métal de diamètre 75cm avec grille - tisonnier inclus qui fait toujours beaucoup parlé de lui :). Celui prendra place sur la pelouse dans le jardin. Je recommande ce produit. Si mon avis vous à aidé dans votre choix cliquez sur Oui.
Product delivered quickly in clean and neat packaging as usual for this reseller. A square brazier model that can be used with logs or coal. The top is tiled around the edge in Mediterranean stone style. It is perfect for providing you with a little source of heat on cool evenings this season. In addition, it can also be used as a barbecue grill during small evenings between guests, it will do its job 100%. And its effect on them. It arrived in an ultra-quick assembly kit in less than 20 minutes. The instructions are in English but no need for assembly if you want it in French, ask for it directly from the reseller, very quick response. This is the second product we have from this we already have Blumfeldt Tulip - 75cm diameter metal garden brazier with grill - poker included which always gets a lot of attention :). This will take place on the lawn in the garden. I recommend this product. If my opinion helped you in your choice, click Yes.
J'aime bien l'effet que donne ce braséro, cela fait une bel déco dans le jardin. Le montage est très simple, les éléments ont déjà leurs vis intégrées, il suffit donc de les emboîter et de serre les écrous. J'ai mis environ 15 minutes à le monter seul. Une fois tout monté il est bien stable mais par contre j'ai enlevé une étoile car autant le plateau est relativement lourd et résistant autant toute la partie basse est conçue dans un métal un peut léger. Il faudra faire attention au moment d'emboîter le plateau de ne pas tordre les plaque très souples. Enfin une fois tout bien vissé et serré cela semble solide. Dommage également que la grille soit un peu petite, vous ne pourrez pas vous en servir si vous recevez beaucoup de monde ! Dans l'ensemble je trouve que c'est un bel objet très sympa mais un peu cher. Si mon commentaire vous a été utile merci d'avoir la gentillesse de l'indiquer par le bouton "oui" ci dessous
I like the effect this brazier gives, it makes a nice decoration in the garden. Assembly is very simple, the elements already have their screws integrated, so you just have to fit them together and tighten the nuts. It took me about 15 minutes to put it together alone. Once everything is assembled it is very stable but on the other hand I took off one star because as much as the tray is relatively heavy and resistant, the entire lower part is made of a slightly light metal. You will need to be careful when fitting the tray not to twist the very flexible plates. Finally once everything is screwed in and tightened it seems solid. It’s also a shame that the grid is a little small, you won’t be able to use it if you have a lot of people over! Overall I think it's a beautiful, very nice object but a little expensive. If my comment was useful to you, please be kind enough to indicate it using the “yes” button below.