Monaco Digital Ultrasonic Humidifier
- Black
- Humidifier
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- Ready to ship in 24 hours
- 14 day cooling off period
Top features
Ioniser to combat unpleasant odors
Fine water mist thanks to ultrasound technology (180-400ml / h)
Antibacterial filter against dust, bacteria and fungi
Product description
The Klarstein Monaco Ultrasonic Humidifier is an absolute must for all those who value respiratory health.
The humidifier is perfect for homes, small office spaces or any rooms in which you regularly spend long periods of time. While in automatic mode, this intelligent device continuously measures the humidity and compensates for dryness in the air by emitting a fine water mist as needed, generated via the built-in ultrasound technology. Via the remote control or the front panel with illuminated blue LED display, the desired humidity and mist may be individually adjusted according to personal preferences.
Using the timer function, you can easily set a desired period of operation. This allows you to ensure that the humidifier functions overnight in your bedroom for a sound sleep. The LED lighting of the water tank may be activated on request as a pleasant blue night light. The built-in filter removes bacteria and dust, allowing only healthy air to pass through the device.
The switchable ioniser generates ozone, which causes odor-binding molecules to split and thus contributes to your well-being and a fresher indoor air.
The 6-litre water tank can be removed, cleaned and refilled easily.
- 6 litre water tank
- 3 power levels
- Rotatable mist nozzles
- LED display
- Non-slip rubber feet
- Power: 30W
- For temperatures of 5-40 ° C.
- For a relative humidity of less than 80%
- power supply remote control: 1 x CR2025 battery (not included)
- Power supply: AC 220-240V, 50-60Hz
Dimensions and Technical Details
- 22.5 x 33.5 x 19.5cm (WxHxD)
- Weight: 1.9kg
What will be delivered?
- 1 x device
- 1 x remote control
- 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)
Delivery & shipment
No review available for this item.
Ich habe 2 Geräte,aber leider fehlt bei beiden der Mikrofilter.
I have 2 devices, but unfortunately both are missing the microfilter.
Top Material, luftbefeuchtungsaustritt kann in verschiedenen richtungen bewegt werden. Einfach zu bedienen.
Top material, humidification outlet can be moved in different directions. Easy to use.
Diese Investitionen hat sich definitiv gelohnt. Eine Konstante Luftfeuchtigkeit sorgt für Wohlbefinden. Auch mein kleiner Dschungel lässt freundlich grüßen. Die Bedienung ist einfach, die Fernbedienung sehr komfortabel.
This investment was definitely worth it. Constant humidity ensures a sense of well-being. My little jungle also sends its friendly greetings. It is easy to use and the remote control is very convenient.
Steht im Wohnzimmer. Das Raumklima ist viel besser.
It's in the living room. The indoor climate is much better.
Ein gutes Gerät, unser Raum von 28 qm wird auf die richtige Feuchtigkeit von knapp 405 gebracht. Sehr leise, man sollte destilliertes Wasser benutzen, sonst wird die Kalkschicht - als Staubschicht wahrnehmbar - schnell deutlich sichtbar. Und wenn dann ein Luftreiniger läuft, hat der kräftig zu tun ....
A good device, our 28 square meter room is brought to the right humidity of just under 405. Very quiet, you should use distilled water, otherwise the limescale layer - noticeable as a layer of dust - quickly becomes clearly visible. And if an air purifier is running, it has a lot to do...
Da wir im Haus kpl Fussbodenheizung haben, sind gerade jetzt nur noch unter 30% Luftfeuchtigkeit, zu wenig. Der Befeuchter läuft tagsüber ca 6 Stunden und bewirkt selbst im 34 m2 großem Zimmer einiges. Für den Preis gut, Lautstärke akzeptabel
Since we have underfloor heating in the house, the humidity is currently below 30%, which is too low. The humidifier runs for about 6 hours during the day and has a big impact even in a 34 m2 room. Good for the price, acceptable noise level
Funktioniert und mein Raumklima war überraschend schnell besser. Danke
It works and my room climate improved surprisingly quickly. Thank you
Uns hat das Produkt sehr gut gefallen. Es wird im Wohnzimmer eingesetzt und erfüllz voll seinen Zweck.
We really liked the product. It is used in the living room and fully serves its purpose.
Wirklich rund herum gut !wir hoffen nur das das Gerät lange Dauer hat
Really good all around! We just hope that the device lasts a long time
Funktioniert. Nur die Luftfeuchtigkeit smessung misst nur aktuell beim Gerät, was nicht der Raumluft entspricht.
Works. The humidity measurement only measures the current humidity in the device, which does not correspond to the room air.
Er macht schnell gute Luft,nur das der Nebel wenn das Gerät nicht hoch genug steht , der Fußboden nass wird.
It creates good air quickly, but if the device is not high enough the mist will get the floor wet.
Alles top!
Everything is great!
Die Wasserbefüllung ist etwas umständlich, aber sonst wirklich OK
Filling the water is a bit cumbersome, but otherwise really OK
I used the humidifier at night but I am not using it anymore. It worked well and was not noisy. The light that stays on at night can be too much when you are sleeping. Good item if you need it.
I used the humidifier at night but I am not using it anymore. It worked well and was not noisy. The light that stays on at night can be too much when you are sleeping. Good item if you need it.
Appareil trop performant pour notre petite pièce Esthétique et légèrement bruyant Télécommande utile Retour et remboursement OK
Device too powerful for our small room Aesthetic and slightly noisy Useful remote control Return and refund OK
Fait très bien le job, et pour ce prix là c’est remarquable La fonction ionisateur dégage une odeur de plastique chez moi, je préfère ne pas l’utiliser. Il y a bien une télécommande (très utile pour désactiver le cercle de lumière bleu assez agressif) mais pas de pile fourni ! Mais pour moins de 80€ environ ça vaut le coup, l’humidificateur est très efficace
Does the job very well, and for this price it is remarkable The ionizer function gives off a plastic smell at home, I prefer not to use it. There is a remote control (very useful to deactivate the rather aggressive blue light circle) but no battery provided! But for less than €80 approximately it is worth it, the humidifier is very effective
Fait très bien le job, et pour ce prix là c’est remarquable La fonction ionisateur dégage une odeur de plastique chez moi, je préfère ne pas l’utiliser. Il y a bien une télécommande (très utile pour désactiver le cercle de lumière bleu assez agressif) mais pas de pile fourni ! Mais pour moins de 80€ environ ça vaut le coup, l’humidificateur est très efficace
Does the job very well, and for this price it is remarkable The ionizer function gives off a plastic smell at home, I prefer not to use it. There is a remote control (very useful to deactivate the rather aggressive blue light circle) but no battery provided! But for less than €80 approximately it is worth it, the humidifier is very effective
Bonjour j'ai acheté cette appareils car nous avons un poêle à bois et un bébé de 3 mois asthmatiques et aucun soucis il marche très bien il ne fait pas de bruit il s'allume automatiquement quand l'air et trop sec ! Produit au top je recommande
Hello, I bought this device because we have a wood stove and a 3 month old asthmatic baby and no problem it works very well it does not make noise it turns on automatically when the air is too dry! Top product I recommend
Der Nachteil ist, dass sich durch den feinen Sprühnebel, auf sämtlichen Oberflächen eine graue Schicht bildet.
The disadvantage is that the fine spray mist forms a gray layer on all surfaces.
Feuchte Luft
humid air
Super Gerät. Im auto Modus tut es was es soll. Wir haben es jetzt ein paar Wochen in Gebrauch und sind absolut zufrieden
Great device. In auto mode it does what it's supposed to. We've been using it for a few weeks now and are absolutely satisfied
Je recommande ce produit à tous. Plus de problèmes de voies respiratoires sèches. Ça a changé notre vie. Bon rapport qualité/ prix. De plus il est joli.
I recommend this product to everyone. No more dry airway problems. It has changed our lives. Good value for money. Plus it looks great.
Die Befüllung ist gewöhnungsbedürftig
The filling takes some getting used to
Dazu wofür es bestimmt ist
For what it is intended for
Bonjour, j’ai acheté ce produit pour avoir plus d’humidité dans l’appartement, car avec le chauffage l’air était trop sec. Maintenant c’est super génial l’air est respirable, mes yeux qui n’ont plus de larmes s’en portent mieux, le bruit il n’en fait pas, l’appareil fonctionne nuit et jour en automatique et je l’ai placé en dessous de mes orchidées qui s’en trouvent merveilleusement bien . Je conseille fortement cet appareil, mon fils va l’acheter également …
Hello, I bought this product to have more humidity in the apartment, because with the heating the air was too dry. Now it's super great the air is breathable, my eyes that no longer have tears are better, it doesn't make any noise, the device works night and day automatically and I placed it under my orchids which are doing wonderfully well. I highly recommend this device, my son is going to buy it too...
Bonjour, j’ai acheté ce produit pour avoir plus d’humidité dans l’appartement, car avec le chauffage l’air était trop sec. Maintenant c’est super génial l’air est respirable, mes yeux qui n’ont plus de larmes s’en portent mieux, le bruit il n’en fait pas, l’appareil fonctionne nuit et jour en automatique et je l’ai placé en dessous de mes orchidées qui s’en trouvent merveilleusement bien . Je conseille fortement cet appareil, mon fils va l’acheter également …
Hello, I bought this product to have more humidity in the apartment, because with the heating the air was too dry. Now it's super great the air is breathable, my eyes that no longer have tears are better, it doesn't make any noise, the device works night and day automatically and I placed it under my orchids which are doing wonderfully well. I highly recommend this device, my son is going to buy it too...
super produit , mes chiens ainsi que moi ne toussons plus et je me sent mieux j'ai acheter 3 appareils chez eux, (steriliseuse, rafraichisseur d'air et celui ci ) nous en sommes super content je les recommande vivement merci Klarstein
great product, my dogs and I no longer cough and I feel better I bought 3 devices from them, (sterilizer, air cooler and this one) we are super happy with them I highly recommend them thank you Klarstein
Sehr gutes Gerät, tut seinen Dienst und befeuchtet die Luft sehr gut. Sehr schnelle Lieferung, bis jetzt keine Probleme.
Very good device, does its job and humidifies the air very well. Very fast delivery, no problems so far.
Sehr schnelle Lieferung Leistung geht
Very fast delivery performance goes
Très.Bien.Merci.Beaucoup. Madame.Messin.Nicole. Cliente."Amazon.France".
Very.Good.Thank.A lot.Mrs.Messin.Nicole.Customer.“Amazon.France”.
Ottimo umidificatore. Bellissimo da vedere, funzionale, grande capacità, telecomando, e diverse impostazioni tra le quali scegliere. Vale i soldi spesi. Unico neo, non è propio silenzioso.
Great humidifier. Beautiful to look at, functional, large capacity, remote control, and several settings to choose from. Worth the money. Only downside, it is not exactly silent.
Umidificatore, in se per se, caricamento (una volta interpretate le istruzioni (non in italiano) risulta essere abbastanza semplice e sistematico. Il getto di vapore é regolabile. Ho trovato molto fastidioso l'incapacità del prodotto di memorizzare le impostazioni. Di fatto, staccata e riattaccata la spina, bisogna reimpostare i parametri. Inoltre non ho capito come funziona il timer dal momento che impostato, non si spegne.
Humidifier, in itself, loading (once you have interpreted the instructions (not in Italian) is quite simple and systematic. The jet of steam is adjustable. I found the inability of the product to memorize the settings very annoying. In fact, once you unplug it and plug it back in, you have to reset the parameters. I also did not understand how the timer works since once set, it does not turn off.
Schnelle und unkomplizierte Lieferung. Perfekt
Fast and uncomplicated delivery. Perfect
Gerät ist leise. Hygrometer zeigt falsche Werte an. Sensor an möglicherweise falscher Stelle
Device is quiet. Hygrometer shows incorrect values. Sensor in possibly wrong place
Silencieux, à la fois humidificateur et ionisateur et fonctionne parfaitementTres bon rapport qualité /prix.
Quiet, both humidifier and ionizer and works perfectly. Very good value for money.
Silencieux, à la fois humidificateur et ionisateur et fonctionne parfaitementTres bon rapport qualité /prix.
Quiet, both humidifier and ionizer and works perfectly. Very good value for money.
Silencieux, à la fois humidificateur et ionisateur et fonctionne parfaitementTres bon rapport qualité /prix.
Quiet, both humidifier and ionizer and works perfectly. Very good value for money.
Très contente de mon achat , léger ,discret, pratique en mode automatique il se gère tout seul , rempli a la moitié le réservoir tient environ quinze jours , on peut éteindre les lumières bleu ça c'est très bien pour la nuit car dans une chambre sinon c'est génant , la télécommande ça c'est top pour augmenter ou diminuer de son lit , bref je ne regrette pas mon achat.
Very happy with my purchase, light, discreet, practical in automatic mode it manages itself, half filled the tank lasts about fifteen days, you can turn off the blue lights, that's great for the night because in a bedroom otherwise it's annoying, the remote control is great for raising or lowering your bed, in short I don't regret my purchase.
Très contente de mon achat , léger ,discret, pratique en mode automatique il se gère tout seul , rempli a la moitié le réservoir tient environ quinze jours , on peut éteindre les lumières bleu ça c'est très bien pour la nuit car dans une chambre sinon c'est génant , la télécommande ça c'est top pour augmenter ou diminuer de son lit , bref je ne regrette pas mon achat.
Very happy with my purchase, light, discreet, practical in automatic mode it manages itself, half filled the tank lasts about fifteen days, you can turn off the blue lights, that's great for the night because in a bedroom otherwise it's annoying, the remote control is great for raising or lowering your bed, in short I don't regret my purchase.
Meine Tochter und ich haben, besonders in der Heizperiode, immer eine sehr trockene Nase beim schlafen. Habe mich für dieses Gerät entschieden, da es preislich nicht überteuert ist, dennoch durch diverse Filter usw überzeugt hat. Es hilft uns sehr gut. Auch die Fernbedienung ist leicht zu bedienen. Lediglich der Wassertank geht sehr schwer auf, selbst mein Mann hat Probleme. Ich habe immer Angst, beim festhalten, ich drücke zu fest und das Gerät bekommt einen Riss. Ich Fülle immer gefiltertes Wasser ein um die Kalkbildung so gering wie möglich zu halten, trotz integriertem Filter
My daughter and I always have a very dry nose when we sleep, especially when the heating is on. I decided on this device because it is not overpriced, but still convinced with various filters, etc. It helps us a lot. The remote control is also easy to use. Only the water tank is very difficult to open, even my husband has problems. I'm always scared when I hold it, I press too hard and the device gets cracked. I always fill in filtered water to keep limescale formation as low as possible, despite the integrated filter
Produit conforme à la notice. Pratique et pas bruyant. Petites taches incorporées dans le plastique sur le dessus mais ne gêne pas à l’utilisation. Reçu pendant le confinement très rapidement! Je recommande.
Product complies with the instructions. Practical and not noisy. Small stains incorporated into the plastic on the top but does not interfere with use. Received during confinement very quickly! I recommend.
Insgesamt ein super Produkt! Zuverlässig, gut verbaut, geräuscharm. Tatsächlich, wie andere es bereits beschrieben haben, misst das Gerät die Luftfeuchtigkeit nur unzureichend. Zeigt das Gerät 75% an, ist die Feuchtigkeit ab ca. 1m Abstand mit meinem Kontrollmesser gerade bei knapp 50%. Die Differenz kann verkleinert werden, indem die Heizung über welcher ich das Gerät stehen habe, gut heizt und außerdem habe ich noch einen kleinen Ventilator installiert, welchen ich auf dem Gerät platziert habe und damit die Feuchtigkeit weitläufiger verteilt. Die fehlerhafte Messung muss man einfach beim Einstellen einkalkulieren und dann passt es (z.B. 75% = 50% tatsächlicher Wert). Positiv ist außerdem der etwas größere Tank als mein vorheriges Gerät. Das Gerät meldet sich per Geräusch, wenn der Tank leer ist- bei unzureichender Planung ist dies dann natürlich meist mitten in der Nacht. Es wäre schön, wenn diese nützliche Funktion manuell abgeschaltet werden könnte. Habe das Gerät nun seit mehreren Monaten.
Overall a great product! Reliable, well installed, low-noise. In fact, as others have already described, the device does not measure humidity sufficiently. If the device shows 75%, the humidity is just under 50% from a distance of approx. 1m with my control meter. The difference can be reduced if the heater above which I have the device heats well and I also installed a small fan, which I placed on the device and thus distributes the moisture more widely. You simply have to take the incorrect measurement into account when setting it up and then it fits (e.g. 75% = 50% actual value). The slightly larger tank than my previous device is also positive. The device reports with a noise when the tank is empty - with insufficient planning, this is of course usually in the middle of the night. It would be nice if this useful feature could be turned off manually. Have had the device for several months now.
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Assez content. Je le recommande pour son efficacité car le réservoir m’as duré plus de deux semaines et l’humidité reste au même niveau
The media product could not be loaded. Quite happy. I recommend it for its efficiency because the tank lasted me more than two weeks and the humidity remains at the same level
Le produit multimédia n'a pas pu être chargé. Assez content. Je le recommande pour son efficacité car le réservoir m’as duré plus de deux semaines et l’humidité reste au même niveau
The media product could not be loaded. Quite happy. I recommend it for its efficiency because the tank lasted me more than two weeks and the humidity remains at the same level
Simple d'utilisation, guide manuel avec du français. L'objet est joli, sobre et avec la lumière. Plusieurs vitesses de diffusion possible. On ne peut l'utiliser été comme hiver. Il humidifie bien ma pièce de 17m2 et me permet de mieux respirer, je l'ai acheté pour guérir ma rhinopharyngite. Concernant le bruit de l'appareil, c'est la raison de ma note, son léger bruit ne m'empêche pas du toutde l'utiliser lorsque je dors. Et pourtant j'ai besoin de silence. Très bon produit pour le prix.
Easy to use, manual guide with French. The object is pretty, sober and with light. Several diffusion speeds possible. It can be used in summer and winter. It humidifies my 17m2 room well and allows me to breathe better, I bought it to cure my nasopharyngitis. Regarding the noise of the device, this is the reason for my rating, its slight noise does not prevent me from using it when I sleep. And yet I need silence. Very good product for the price.
Je recherchais un bon humidificateur pour chez moi, j'ai découvert que cette marque était leader et ce n'est pas pour rien. Très bonne fabrication, esthétique parfaite, fonctionnement simple mais très efficace. Seul bémol, il faut télécharger la notice en PDF sur le site de la marque. Celle-ci est par contre très bien faite et vous évite une mauvaise utilisation. De toute façon l'appareil est protégé et se met en sécurité si il n'est pas utilisé comme conseillé Il existe beaucoup d'autres modèles de la même marque, mais celui-ci répond exactement à mes attentes.
I was looking for a good humidifier for my home, I discovered that this brand was a leader and it is not for nothing. Very good manufacturing, perfect aesthetics, simple but very effective operation. The only downside is that you have to download the instructions in PDF from the brand's website. However, this is very well done and prevents you from misusing it. In any case, the device is protected and goes into safety mode if it is not used as recommended. There are many other models of the same brand, but this one meets my expectations exactly.
Ein wirklich ordentlicher Luftbefeuchter. Klar, die Anzeige im Gerät misst natürlich nur die Luftfeuchtigkeit am Gerät, daher muss man logischerweise den Wert für die Automatik deutlich höher einstellen. Dann erhält man aber auch im Raum - gemessen in einiger Entfernung vom Luftbefeuchter - eine höhere Luftfeuchtigkeit als vorher. Das Gerät macht, was es soll, Wunder kann es aber nicht vollbringen.
A really decent humidifier. Of course, the display in the device only measures the humidity on the device, so logically you have to set the value for the automatic function significantly higher. But then you also get a higher air humidity in the room than before - measured at some distance from the air humidifier. The device does what it is supposed to do, but it cannot perform miracles.
Super produit. Je l ai acheté car l air de ma chambre et très sec à cause du radiateur électrique. Je me reveillais avec la gorge sèche et mon bébé de 2 mois a un toux insoignable depuis 2sem. Après 2nuits il toussent beaucoup moins. Je joins les photos de la notice en français poir ceux qui se plaignent
Great product. I bought it because the air in my room is very dry because of the electric heater. I woke up with a dry throat and my 2 month old baby has had an untreatable cough for 2 weeks. After 2 nights he coughs much less. I attach the photos of the instructions in French for those who complain
Ich habe das Gerät schon seit 2-3 Wintern im Einsatz, es hat ein paar Macken, aber das wichtigste, und zwar die Luft ordentlich zu befeuchten erfüllt er schon sehr gut. Die Luftfeutichkeitsanzeige ist leider nur dann recht genau, wenn das gerät nicht läuft. Hilfreich wäre hier ein externer Sensor, der wo anders im Raum plaziert wäre, dann hätte ich dem Gerät locker 5 Sterne gegeben. So braucht man die Luftfeuchtigkeit mit anderem Messgerät zu messen, und den ganzen Prozess manuell steuern, was nicht schlimm ist, weil der ja ehe sehr lange laufen muss bis ich auf die 45% komme. Ich verdampfe schon den ganzen Behälter am Tag, ist aber auch relativ großer Raum. Ich habe den auch etwas höher gestellt, an einen kleinen Schrank, so dass sich keine Pfütze bilden kann. Insgesammt bin ich sehr zufrieden, vor allem aber die Leistung, bzw. die Menge des Wassers die er schafft zu "verdampfen" beeindruckt mich schon sehr.
I've been using the device for 2-3 winters, it has a few quirks, but the most important thing, namely humidifying the air properly, it does very well. Unfortunately, the humidity display is only accurate when the device is not running. An external sensor that would be placed somewhere else in the room would be helpful here, then I would have easily given the device 5 stars. So you have to measure the humidity with another measuring device and control the whole process manually, which is not bad because it has to run for a very long time before I get to 45%. I already vape the whole container a day, but it's also a relatively large room. I also put it a little higher, on a small cupboard, so that no puddles can form. Overall I am very satisfied, but above all I am very impressed by the performance and the amount of water that it manages to "evaporate".
Cool et efficace
Cool and efficient
Cool et efficace
Cool and efficient
Cool et efficace
Cool and efficient
très bon produit,très heureux de mon achat.
very good product, very happy with my purchase.
très bon produit,très heureux de mon achat.
very good product, very happy with my purchase.
très bon produit,très heureux de mon achat.
very good product, very happy with my purchase.
Facilité de l'emploi et bons résultats !
Easy to use and good results!
Facilité de l'emploi et bons résultats !
Easy to use and good results!
Facilité de l'emploi et bons résultats !
Easy to use and good results!
Lo.consiglio caldamente. È esteticamente molto piacevole, silenzioso soprattutto di notte, ha un ampio recipiente. Non bagna il pavimento anche se io comunque sotto preferisco metterci un asciugamano. Lo uso di notte in camera dei bambini per mantenere l'ambiente umido ed è ottimo.(vivo in clima ultra secco).
I highly recommend it. It is aesthetically pleasing, silent especially at night, has a large container. It does not wet the floor although I prefer to put a towel underneath. I use it at night in the children's room to keep the environment humid and it is excellent. (I live in an ultra dry climate).
Cet humidificateur Klarstein Monaco, est un produit impeccable ! L'emballage d'exception démontre démontre déjà un très certain professionnalisme bien agréable, car cet humidificateur est emballé comme un produit de luxe, c'est bluffant !!! Ce n'est pas tout, car lorsque le produit est installé, vous avez procédé à la mise en route pas très compliquée et vous êtes devant une machine inaudible et dans un design de classe... Un purificateur ou ionisateur d'air fait partie des grandes qualités de cet appareil, le mode d'emploi est en allemand, mais sur le site de l'importateur français, vous trouverez une version parfaitement adaptée. Un achat à recommander sans hésitation, ce qui devient de plus en plus rare...
This Klarstein Monaco humidifier is an impeccable product! The exceptional packaging already demonstrates a very pleasant professionalism, because this humidifier is packaged like a luxury product, it's amazing!!! That's not all, because when the product is installed, you have proceeded with the not very complicated start-up and you are in front of an inaudible machine and in a classy design... An air purifier or ionizer is one of the great qualities of this device, the instructions are in German, but on the French importer's website, you will find a perfectly adapted version. A purchase to recommend without hesitation, which is becoming increasingly rare...
Das Gerät tut was es soll, aber... ...die integrierte Feuchtigkeitsmessung ist Unfug und hat mit reellen Werten nichts zu tun (Gerät 80% - Raummessung 35%!!!). ...die unmittelbare Umgebung ist permanent nass (auf höchster Stufe) da der Nebel nicht ordentlich verteilt wird. Nur unmittelbar neben einer Heizung einsetzbar (wegen der entsprechenden Luftzirkulation - Auftrieb durch warme Luft). ...nur in Gegenden mit geringem Kalkgehalt des Wassers zu verwenden. Ansonsten im ganzen Raum ein weißer Niederschlag. Besonders auffällig an Fenstern. Bei einem Verbrauch von ca. 4-5 Liter Wasser/Tag ist auch destilliertes Wasser keine Option - woher nehmen? Das bringt kein Wäschetrockner und kaufen - no way. Dass sich die Beleuchtung des Wassertanks abschalten lässt ist wohl ein Gerücht. Die Nachtbeleuchtung ist eine Erhellung des Displays - mehr auch nicht. Werde es wieder abstoßen - einmal pro Woche Fenster putzen ist nicht drin.
The device does what it's supposed to do, but... ...the integrated humidity measurement is nonsense and has nothing to do with real values (device 80% - room measurement 35%!!!). ...the immediate area is permanently wet (at the highest level) because the fog is not distributed properly. Can only be used directly next to a heater (because of the corresponding air circulation - buoyancy through warm air). ...only to be used in areas with low lime content in the water. Otherwise a white precipitate throughout the room. Particularly noticeable on windows. With a consumption of approx. 4-5 liters of water/day, even distilled water is not an option - where do you get it from? That brings no tumble dryer and buy - no way. It is probably a rumor that the lighting of the water tank can be switched off. The night lighting is an illumination of the display - nothing more. Will repel it again - cleaning windows once a week is out of the question.
bon produit, conforme sauf la doc qui n 'est pas en français, je recommande avec un taux d humidité de 45% je remplis 1 fois par semaine
good product, compliant except the doc which is not in French, I recommend with a humidity level of 45% I fill once a week
Tout d'abord : bravo pour la livraison en 24h ! Expédié d'Allemagne et livré le lendemain, c'est parfait ! Cet humidificateur est très simple d'utilisation. Il est plutôt silencieux, il n'y a pas trop de "gargouillis". Il est possible d'éteindre la lumière bleue, et de programmer un minuteur. La petite télécommande est pratique ! L'affichage LCD animé peut gêner si vous comptez le mettre dans une chambre à coucher.
First of all: congratulations for the 24-hour delivery! Shipped from Germany and delivered the next day, it's perfect! This humidifier is very easy to use. It is rather quiet, there is not too much "gurgling". It is possible to turn off the blue light, and to program a timer. The small remote control is practical! The animated LCD display can be annoying if you plan to put it in a bedroom.
Seems to be doing well, haven't had it setup long but all good so far
Seems to be doing well, haven't had it setup long but all good so far
Habe das Gerät gekauft, nachdem ich im Winter durch die Fußbodenheizung oft Halsschmerzen hatte. Positiv: Leise problemloser Betrieb Negativ: Automatische Regelung hektisch, schaltet oft in kurzen Zeitabständen ein und aus. Gerät kann nicht am Boden stehen, da der Nebel den Boden erreicht und sich nicht rechtzeitig auflöst. Ein unangenehmer Nebeneffekt ist, daß der Staub in der Luft gebunden wird und sich überall ablegt. Auch wird natürlich der Kalk aus dem Wasser im Raum verteilt. Bei harten Wasser hat sich gezeigt, Abkochen und Filtrieren (Kaffeefiltertüten funktionieren tadellos) eine deutliche Verbesserung bringt. Achtung: nur abgekühltes Wasser einfüllen. Da das systembedingt ist, ist es nicht in die Bewertung eingeflossen. Zusammengefasst ist das Gerät empfehlenswert.
I bought the device after I often had a sore throat in winter due to the underfloor heating. Positive: Quiet, problem-free operation Negative: Automatic control hectic, often switches on and off at short intervals. Device cannot stand on the ground because the fog reaches the ground and does not dissipate in time. An unpleasant side effect is that the dust is bound in the air and settles everywhere. Of course, the lime from the water is also distributed in the room. With hard water, it has been shown that boiling and filtering (coffee filter bags work perfectly) brings a significant improvement. Warning: only fill with cooled water. Since this is system-related, it was not included in the evaluation. In summary, the device is recommended.
Mi bagna sempre il pavimento dal vapore che esce. La seconda volta che l'ascendo Non so che fare. Il prodotto è buono. Forse non riesco a regolarlooo ????
It always gets my floor wet from the steam coming out. The second time I climb it I don't know what to do. The product is good. Maybe I can't adjust it????
Nachdem mein alter Luftbefeuchter (Hitzeverdampfung) nach Jahren der Benutzung innen keinen sauberen/hygienischen Eindruck gemacht hat, habe ich mich nach kurzer Recherche für den Klarstein Monaco empfohlen. Ich war nach dem Auspacken wirklich überrascht über die hochwertige, solide Verarbeitung überrascht. Wesentlich teurere Luftbefeuchter im Elektronikfachhandel machen nicht diesen robusten, qualitativen Eindruck wie diesen. Einmal eingeschaltet dampft es ordentlich aus dem Gerät raus. Allerdings würde ich nicht empfehlen Ihn auf Dauer eingeschaltet zu lassen, da in unmittelbarer Umgebung alles deutlich feucht, gar nass wird. Euer Mobiltelefon, Computer oder andere Elektronik würde ich nicht in unmittelbarer Umgebung aufstellen. Allerdings ist das Ding derart Leistungsstark, dass eine optimale Befeuchtung der Raumluft bereits nach einer halben Stunde bei mir erreicht ist. Ich bereue den Kauf nicht, es ist ein empfehlenswertes Gerät.
After my old air humidifier (heat evaporation) did not make a clean/hygienic impression after years of use, I recommended the Klarstein Monaco after a short research. After unpacking, I was really surprised by the high-quality, solid workmanship. Significantly more expensive humidifiers in electronics stores do not make the robust, qualitative impression like this one. Once switched on, it vaporizes properly from the device. However, I would not recommend leaving it switched on in the long term, as everything in the immediate vicinity gets significantly damp, even wet. I would not set up your mobile phone, computer or other electronics in the immediate vicinity. However, the thing is so powerful that optimal humidification of the room air is achieved after half an hour. I do not regret the purchase, it is a recommended device.
Habe den Luftbefeuchter jetzt seit 4 Wochen im Einsatz. Befeuchtet wird ein grosse Raum (60qm). Funktioniert sehr gut - in 24 Stunden werden bei der im Moment sehr trockenen Luft über 5 Liter Wasser vernebelt. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit im Raum wird dadurch um ca. 10%-Punkte angehoben. Plus: sehr großer Tank, Automatik für eine Wunschraumfeuchtigkeit (Gerät schaltet dann ab und später wieder an), hohe Leistung Minus: die gemessene Feuchtigkeit im Raum wird zu hoch angezeigt - stört mich nicht, da ich auch separat messe. Die Vernebelungsleistung ist so hoch, dass man die Stufen 2 und 3 nicht zu Einsatz bringen kann - sonst wird der Boden feucht. Generell: wenn man so ein Gerät alle 2 Tage reinigt (mit verdünnter Essigessenz), bleibt auch alles hygienisch..... Ich verwende mit dem Brita Filter gefiltertes Wasser -> keine Probleme mit Kalkniederschlag. Fazit: Top-Gerät, wenn es um große Räume geht!
I've been using the humidifier for 4 weeks now. A large room (60 square meters) is humidified. Works very well - in 24 hours, over 5 liters of water are nebulized in the currently very dry air. This increases the humidity in the room by around 10 percentage points. Plus: very large tank, automatic for a desired room humidity (device then switches off and on again later), high performance Minus: the measured humidity in the room is displayed too high - doesn't bother me because I also measure separately. The fogging performance is so high that levels 2 and 3 cannot be used - otherwise the floor will be damp. In general: if you clean such a device every 2 days (with diluted vinegar essence), everything remains hygienic... I use filtered water with the Brita filter -> no problems with limescale deposits. Conclusion: Top device when it comes to large rooms!
Ottimo prodotto elegante e funzionale . Rispecchia le caratteristiche . 6 litri e la funzione automatica ti permettono di caricarlo santuariamente . Bello
Excellent elegant and functional product. Reflects the characteristics. 6 liters and the automatic function allow you to load it sanctuariously. Beautiful
Ottimo veramente! L'altro che avevamo non era neppure così preciso nel segnare l'umidità. Questo sbaglia di un paio di gradi rispetto quello meccanico. Serbatoio molto capiente. Unica pecca la luce che rimane anche una volta spenta quella di cortesia, noi lo teniamo in cucina, ma in camera può dare fastidio.
Really great! The other one we had wasn't even that precise in marking the humidity. This one is a couple of degrees off compared to the mechanical one. Very large tank. The only flaw is the light that remains on even after the courtesy light is turned off, we keep it in the kitchen, but in the bedroom it can be annoying.
Sono rimasta molto contenta di questo acquisto...bello esteticamente compatto serbatoio capiente manutenzione molto facile unica pecca che le istruzioni in italiano ho dovuto cercarmele su internet...io lo uso per il camino che secca l'aria e mi trovo molto bene
I was very happy with this purchase...beautiful aesthetically, compact, large tank, very easy maintenance, the only flaw is that I had to look for the instructions in Italian on the internet...I use it for the fireplace that dries the air and I am very happy with it
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Purtroppo quando arriva l'inverno il riscaldamento mi crea un po' di fastidi così mi capita di tossite spesso la notte o di svegliarmi con un fastidioso senso di arsura così ho deciso di prendere un umidificare! Parlando con amici tutti mi dicevano che non serviva a nulla che al massimo poteva servire un deumidificare per l'estate ecc ecc.. Ovviamente io sono testardo e mi sono documentato in merito quindi ho continuato a cercare il mio umidificare e, una volta identificato, ecco che finalmente ho risposto il miei problemi. Quindi se vi ritrovate nelle mie parole non esitate, comprate un umidificare! A questo punto vi scrivo perchè ho scelto questo umidificare quindi.. Iniziamo con i pregi: - Silenzioso (quindi si può usare tranquillamente la notte) - Serbatoio da 6L quindi circa 10/12 ore di autonomia - Telecomando per gestione da remoto (ovviamente sempre presente sul comodino!) - Possibilità di programmare il tempo di funzionamento - Ionizzatore - Vaporizzazione generata a freddo - Facilità d'uso (non fa mai male!) Mentre gli aspetti negativi: - La luce NIGHT-LIGHT la trovo troppo forte per essere usata di notte - Non può generare vapore caldo Nella confezione ho trovato: - L'umidificatore. - Il telecomando. - Il manuale in inglese Personalmente mi piace molto e quindi lo consiglio senza problemi a tutti quelli che cercano un prodotto simile. Se avete bisogno di fare domande chiedete pure. PS. Come tutti gli umidificare bisogna fare attenzione a non far proliferare i batteri quindi lavare il serbatoio con prodotti disinfettanti tipo amuchina!
Unable to load media. Unfortunately when winter comes the heating creates a bit of discomfort for me so I often cough at night or wake up with an annoying feeling of burning so I decided to get a humidifier! Talking to friends everyone told me that it was useless and that at most a dehumidifier could be useful for the summer etc etc. Obviously I am stubborn and I have documented myself on the subject so I continued to look for my humidifier and, once identified, here I have finally answered my problems. So if you find yourself in my words do not hesitate, buy a humidifier! At this point I am writing to you because I chose this humidifier so... Let's start with the advantages: - Silent (so you can use it safely at night) - 6L tank so about 10/12 hours of autonomy - Remote control for remote management (obviously always present on the bedside table!) - Possibility to program the operating time - Ionizer - Cold-generated vaporization - Ease of use (never hurts!) While the negative aspects: - I find the NIGHT-LIGHT light too strong to be used at night - It cannot generate hot steam In the package I found: - The humidifier. - The remote control. - The manual in English Personally I like it a lot and therefore I recommend it without problems to anyone looking for a similar product. If you need to ask questions just ask. PS. Like all humidifiers you have to be careful not to allow bacteria to proliferate so wash the tank with disinfectant products such as amuchina!
Salve a tutti! Scrivo questa recensione perché ho ricevuto qualche giorno addietro lumidificatore Klarstein 10021652 comprato qui su Amazon da Elektronik-Star. E un po che recensisco prodotti sia su Amazon che su altri portali e sono dellopinione che più dettagliati si cerca di essere, maggiore aiuto possono ricevere coloro i quali sono interessati al prodotto che io ho già preso e quindi testato. Iniziamo dalla spedizione arrivata ovviamente puntuale, con Amazon non cè nessun pericolo. Nella scatola ho trovato:
Manuale di istruzioni in lingua tedesca ed inglese
Il prodotto nella confezione era ben protetto dal polistirolo. Devo ammettere che è la prima volta che mi capita di recensire nonché di avere a che fare in genere con un prodotto di questo tipo, ma forse proprio per la mia poca esperienza posso evidenziare alcuni punti interessanti a chi magari è intenzionato a comprare il prodotto. Essendo ignorante in materia mi sono documentato prima dellutilizzo e ho letto e riletto le istruzione che aimè sono presenti sono il inglese e tedesco. Leggendo il manuale con lumidificatore accanto non è stato troppo difficile capirne il funzionamento e la manutenzione. Vi consiglio di armarmi tuttavia di un po di pazienza poiché ci sono alcune accortezze e linee guida che dovrete seguire per avere le migliori prestazioni dal prodotto.
La mia esperienza:
Ho acceso il prodotto dopo aver seguito alla lettera tutte le istruzioni e quindi aver riempito la vaschetta per lacqua e devo ammettere che sono rimasto piacevolmente sorpreso dalla resa. Come ho già ammesso sono nuovo nel campo e non mi era mai stato possibile prima dora di confrontarmi con prodotti di questa tipologia tuttavia penso di non sbagliare dicendovi che il prodotto è di qualità sia per quel che riguarda i materiali sia comunque per il prezzo certamente accessibile. Lumidificatore è dotato di un semplice display che vi indica cosa state andando a regolare e di un comodo telecomando per il controllo del dispositivo a distanza. Lemissione è regolata da 3 diverse intensità ed è inoltre possibile modulare il grado di umidità desiderato sia manualmente che automaticamente. Cè inoltre una comoda modalità sleep che vi permette di vedere lumidificatore anche di notte oltre che regolarne spegnimento e accensione.
In conclusione sono rimasto soddisfatto dal risultato e dalle prestazioni che è riuscito a garantirmi! Spero di essere stato abbastanza esauriente riguardo la mia personale esperienza sul prodotto e di avervi potuto descrivere il dispositivo togliendovi, nel caso ci fossero, tutti i dubbi che avevate. Buon acquisto!
Hello everyone! I am writing this review because a few days ago I received the Klarstein 10021652 humidifier bought here on Amazon from Elektronik-Star. I have been reviewing products both on Amazon and on other portals for a while and I am of the opinion that the more detailed one tries to be, the more help those who are interested in the product that I have already taken and therefore tested can receive. Let's start with the shipment that obviously arrived on time, with Amazon there is no danger. In the box I found: remote control device Instruction manual in German and English The product in the box was well protected by the polystyrene. I must admit that it is the first time that I happen to review and generally have to deal with a product of this type, but perhaps due to my lack of experience I can highlight some interesting points to those who may be willing to buy the product. Being ignorant on the subject, I documented myself before using it and I read and reread the instructions which, alas, are present in English and German. Reading the manual with the humidifier next to it, it wasn't too difficult to understand its operation and maintenance. However, I advise you to arm yourself with a little patience as there are some precautions and guidelines that you will have to follow in order to get the best performance from the product. My experience: I turned on the product after following all the instructions to the letter and then filling the water tank and I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised by the performance. As I have already admitted, I am new in the field and it has never been possible for me before to deal with products of this type, however I think I am not mistaken in telling you that the product is of quality both as regards the materials and certainly for the price. accessible. The humidifier is equipped with a simple display that shows you what you are going to adjust and with a convenient remote control for controlling the device from a distance. The emission is regulated by 3 different intensities and it is also possible to modulate the desired degree of humidity both manually and automatically. There is also a convenient sleep mode that allows you to see the humidifier even at night as well as regulate its switching on and off. In conclusion, I was satisfied with the result and the performance that he managed to guarantee me! I hope I have been exhaustive enough regarding my personal experience with the product and that I have been able to describe the device to you by removing, if there were any, all the doubts you had. Good purchase!
Impossibile caricare il contenuto multimediale. Oggi vi voglio mostrare un altro prodotto distribuito dall'ormai fedelissimo marchio Electronic Star che propone prodotti indispensabili per la casa, cucina e giardino nonchè essere specializzata nell'alta fedeltà. Il prodotto che vi presento oggi è Klarstein Monaco Umidificatore digitale ad ultrasuoni bianco con funzione anche di ionizzatore, un validissimo aiuto per migliorare la qualità dell'aria di ambienti chiusi. L'umidificatore è disponibile nella colorazione bianca e nera. Presenta un display molto intuitivo nella parte frontale che segnala il livello di umidità presente nella stanza dove è ubicato. Posteriormente è presente la tanica da 6 litri che contiene il filtro antibatterico contro polvere, batteri e muffa.La tanica per esser riempita di acqua va tolta e rovesciata; si può utilizzare sia l'acqua di casa che l'acqua distillata. La regolazione del funzionamento può avvenire sia tramite i tasti posti sotto il display sia attraverso il telecomando fornito in dotazione già con le pile. Una volta acceso l'umidificatore comincia ad erogare il vapore: sono disponibili 3 livelli di potenza selezionabili con il tasto +/-; di default viene azionato il livello 2. Viene prodotto un sottile strato di vapore acqueo prodotto grazie alla tecnologia ad ultrasuoni (180-400ml/h): i due ugelli nebulizzatori sono ruotabili in modo da poter indirizzare meglio il vapore. L'umidificatore grazie alla tecnologia ad ultrasuoni lavora in quasi totale silenzio; gli unici rumori più decisi avvengono quando si premono i tasti per regolarne il funzionamento. Le altre due funzioni importanti dell'umidificatore Klarstein sono lo ionizzatore e la programmazione timer. Lo ionizzatore contribuisce a rendere più pulita l'aria di un ambiente: gli ioni negativi, infatti, si legano alle particelle in sospensione nell’aria (polveri, aromi, fumo, pollini e batteri) e le caricano elettrostaticamente. Di conseguenza la polvere tenderà a legarsi alle superfici che incontra (le pareti della stanza, per esempio) anziché svolazzare, creando beneficio per le le nostre vie aeree e la pelle(soprattutto per coloro che hanno allergia alla polvere). La funzione ionizzatore si attiva con la pressione del tasto ION oppure premendo il tasto con l'albero sul telecomando. Le altre due funzioni da segnalare sono la possibilità di attivare il timer e la possibilità di selezionare il livello di umidità desiderato: premendo il tasto setup si può raggiungere l'umidità desiderata selezionabile in un intervallo 5%-90% e una volta raggiunto il livello selezionato la macchina passa in stato di inattività regolando il flusso di vapore.Se il valore di umidità si dovesse abbassare l'umidificatore si rimette automaticamente in funzione. Premendo due volte il tasto setup si può impostare il tempo di funzionamento automatico dell'umidificatore in un intervallo di 1-12 ore: la funzione più frequente è l'utilizzo notturno con un intervallo di 7-9 ore. Di notte è impostabile la luce notturna premendo il tasto NIGHT-LIGHT: ne risulta una piacevole luce blu che si diffonderà in tutta la stanza. Un prodotto che mi ha convinto e di cui avevo sottovalutato l'importanza finora: d'inverno con in termosifoni accesi l'aria tende a seccarsi provocando a lungo andare danni ai mobili e problemi all'apparato respiratorio. Con l'umidificatore digitale Monaco di Klarstein ristabilirete il giusto livello di umidità nei vostri ambienti godendo quindi di notevoli benefici. Altro prodotto distribuito da Electronic Star promosso.
Unable to load media content. Today I want to show you another product distributed by the now loyal brand Electronic Star that offers essential products for the home, kitchen and garden as well as being specialized in high fidelity. The product that I present to you today is Klarstein Monaco White Digital Ultrasonic Humidifier with ionizer function, a very valid aid to improve the quality of the air in closed environments. The humidifier is available in white and black. It has a very intuitive display on the front that indicates the level of humidity in the room where it is located. On the back there is the 6-liter tank that contains the antibacterial filter against dust, bacteria and mold. To fill the tank with water, it must be removed and turned upside down; you can use either tap water or distilled water. The operation can be adjusted either via the buttons under the display or via the remote control supplied with the batteries. Once switched on, the humidifier begins to release steam: there are 3 power levels that can be selected with the +/- button; level 2 is activated by default. A thin layer of water vapor is produced thanks to ultrasonic technology (180-400ml/h): the two nebulizer nozzles are rotatable so that the steam can be better directed. Thanks to ultrasonic technology, the humidifier works in almost total silence; the only louder noises occur when the buttons are pressed to regulate its operation. The other two important functions of the Klarstein humidifier are the ionizer and the timer programming. The ionizer helps to make the air in a room cleaner: the negative ions, in fact, bind to the particles suspended in the air (dust, aromas, smoke, pollen and bacteria) and charge them electrostatically. As a result, dust will tend to stick to the surfaces it encounters (the walls of the room, for example) rather than flying around, creating benefits for our airways and skin (especially for those who are allergic to dust). The ionizer function is activated by pressing the ION button or by pressing the button with the tree on the remote control. The other two functions to point out are the possibility of activating the timer and the possibility of selecting the desired humidity level: by pressing the setup button you can reach the desired humidity selectable in a range of 5%-90% and once the selected level is reached the machine goes into inactivity mode regulating the flow of steam. If the humidity value should drop the humidifier automatically restarts. By pressing the setup button twice you can set the automatic operating time of the humidifier in a range of 1-12 hours: the most frequent function is night-time use with an interval of 7-9 hours. At night, the night light can be set by pressing the NIGHT-LIGHT button: the result is a pleasant blue light that will spread throughout the room. A product that has convinced me and whose importance I had underestimated until now: in winter with the radiators on the air tends to dry out causing damage to furniture and respiratory problems in the long run. With the Monaco digital humidifier by Klarstein you will re-establish the right level of humidity in your rooms and thus enjoy notable benefits. Another product distributed by Electronic Star promoted.
Auf voller Stufe nebelt der ordentlich was raus.
Da Gerät blubbert nur immer mal kurz zwischendurch, wenn das Wasser unten im Tank von oben nachläuft, der Wassertank wird Kopfüber eingestellt, wie bei den großen Wasserflaschenspendern, nur nicht so laut.
Bedienung und Anleitung (in Deutsch) ist einfach, entweder direkt am Gerät oder bequem über die Fernbedienung.
Man kann die % Feuchtigkeit eingeben, die man gerne hätte und das Gerät misst die dann, es nebelt so lange bis die % erreicht sind oder der Wassertank leer ist.
Je freier der Nebler steht, um so besser natürlich. Denn je beengter, desto ungenauer wohl der Wert bzw. die Verteilmöglichkeit des Dunsts.
Dann kann man noch angeben wie stark genebelt werden soll, 1-3.
Die Anzeige (blaue LEDs) bleibt leider ständig an und blinkt auch noch, dimmt sich nur etwas ab. Den Außenkreis kann mal als Zusatz-Dauerleuchte dazu schalten.
Am Anfang haben wir mal extra Küchentücher untergelegt und das Gerät auf voll Stoff dampfen lassen, um zu sehen, wie viel Wasser er verbrauchen/versprühen kann und wie nass die Umgebung wird.
Steht der Nebler direkt auf dem Boden, bilden sich unterm Gerät (wo der Dampf rauskommt) Tröpfchen und auch etwas klamme Tücher.
Steht das Gerät höher, so dass der Nebel weiter runterfallen kann, ist unten alles trocken geblieben, nur rund um den Auslass eben Tröpfchen (man bedenke aber bei Dauereinsatz auf Stufe 3). Also trotzdem würde ich ihn nicht auf empfindliche Möbel oder über teure Teppiche o.ä. stellen.
Für alle Fälle nehmen wir eh immer destilliertes Wasser. Hält den Reinigungsaufwand noch geringer.
Die modernen Nebler sind übrigens nicht mehr vergleichbar mit den Neblerbrunnen, wo man noch mit Membranen gearbeitet hat und die dann alle paar Wochen tauschen musste, da die abschwächelten. Die Ultraschalltechnik ist, laut meines Wissens, wartungsfrei – ähnlich wie bei den Ultraschallreinigern für Brillen.
Bisher hatten wir einen Venta-Luftwäscher (der jetzt nach 15 Jahren! den Geist aufgibt) und der brauchte in unserer großen Wohnung, mit Fußbodenheizung locker 10-15 Liter in 2 Tagen.
Andere Methoden, wie Terrakottabehälter mit Wasser an die Heizung hängen oder ein Brunnen o.ä., haben keinen messbaren Effekt – das ist einfach viel zu wenig Feuchtigkeit. Das spüre ich sofort an trockener, juckender Haut, ausgetrockneter Nasenschleimhaut und bei unseren Katzen an trocken werdendem, zu Filz neigendem Fell.
Der Venta hat halt auch den Vorteil, er ist Filterlos (nix mit Schimmel oder Keimbildung) und alle Teile sind in der Spülmaschine zu reinigen.
Also, in 12 Stunden hat der Monaco-Nebler hier nun einen Tank leer gepustet. Das ist also ein gleich guter Wert wie der Venta. Und der Filter beim Monaco, hat so kleine Steinchen (Keramik, Kunststoff mit Silberjodit) drin, die selbst reinigend sein und nur gelegentlich ausgewaschen oder mit Essig entkalkt werden sollen, also auch ein gutes System und Geldsparend (keine teuren Filtermatten, die trotzdem Keimfallen sind).
Von der Lautstärke her finde ich ihn leise. Fürs Schlafzimmer würde ich ihn über Nacht aber trotzdem ausschalten, da eben leises Grundrauschen (wie ein leiser PC), gelegentliches Blubbern und ständig anbleibendes Licht.
At full level, it nebulizes a lot. The device only bubbles briefly from time to time when the water in the tank runs down from above, the water tank is set upside down, like the large water bottle dispensers, just not as loud. Operation and instructions (in German) are simple, either directly on the device or conveniently via the remote control. You can enter the % humidity that you would like and the device then measures it, it mists until the % is reached or the water tank is empty. The freer the fogger is, the better, of course. Because the more cramped, the more imprecise the value or the possibility of distributing the haze. Then you can specify how strong the fog should be, 1-3. Unfortunately, the display (blue LEDs) stays on all the time and also flashes, only dims a little. The outer circuit can sometimes be switched on as an additional permanent light. At the beginning we put extra kitchen towels under it and let the device steam on full fabric to see how much water it can use/spray and how wet the area gets. If the fogger is standing directly on the floor, droplets and some clammy cloths form under the device (where the steam comes out). If the device is higher, so that the fog can fall further down, everything below has remained dry, just droplets around the outlet (but keep in mind with continuous use at level 3). Even so, I would not place it on sensitive furniture or on expensive carpets or similar. We always use distilled water just in case. Keeps the cleaning effort even lower. Incidentally, the modern foggers are no longer comparable to the fogger fountains, where you still worked with membranes and then had to replace them every few weeks because they weakened. As far as I know, the ultrasonic technology is maintenance-free – similar to the ultrasonic cleaners for glasses. Up until now we had a Venta air washer (which is now giving up the ghost after 15 years!) and in our large apartment with underfloor heating it easily needed 10-15 liters in 2 days. Other methods, such as hanging terracotta containers with water on the heater or a fountain or similar, have no measurable effect - this is simply far too little moisture. I can feel it immediately in dry, itchy skin, dried out nasal mucosa and, in the case of our cats, in the fur that is becoming dry and has a tendency to felt. The Venta also has the advantage that it is filter-free (no mold or germ formation) and all parts can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Well, in 12 hours the Monaco fogger blew out a tank here. So that's an equally good value as the Venta. And the filter on the Monaco has small stones in it (ceramic, plastic with silver iodide) that are self-cleaning and should only be washed out occasionally or descaled with vinegar, so it’s also a good system and saves money (no expensive filter mats that are still germ traps). ). In terms of volume, I find it quiet. However, I would still switch it off overnight for the bedroom, since there is a quiet background noise (like a quiet PC), occasional bubbling and a constant light.
L'umidificatore è disponibile nella colorazione bianca e nera.
Presenta un display molto intuitivo nella parte frontale che segnala il livello di umidità presente nella stanza dove è ubicato.
Posteriormente è presente la tanica da 6 litri che contiene il filtro antibatterico contro polvere, batteri e muffa.La tanica per esser riempita di acqua va tolta e rovesciata| si può utilizzare sia l'acqua di casa che l'acqua distillata.
La regolazione del funzionamento può avvenire sia tramite i tasti posti sotto il display sia attraverso il telecomando fornito in dotazione già con le pile.
Una volta acceso l'umidificatore comincia ad erogare il vapore: sono disponibili 3 livelli di potenza selezionabili con il tasto +/-| di default viene azionato il livello 2.
Viene prodotto un sottile strato di vapore acqueo prodotto grazie alla tecnologia ad ultrasuoni (180-400ml/h): i due ugelli nebulizzatori sono ruotabili in modo da poter indirizzare meglio il vapore.
L'umidificatore grazie alla tecnologia ad ultrasuoni lavora in quasi totale silenzio| gli unici rumori più decisi avvengono quando si premono i tasti per regolarne il funzionamento.
Le altre due funzioni importanti dell'umidificatore Klarstein sono lo ionizzatore e la programmazione timer.
Lo ionizzatore contribuisce a rendere più pulita l'aria di un ambiente: gli ioni negativi, infatti, si legano alle particelle in sospensione nell’aria (polveri, aromi, fumo, pollini e batteri) e le caricano elettrostaticamente. Di conseguenza la polvere tenderà a legarsi alle superfici che incontra (le pareti della stanza, per esempio) anziché svolazzare, creando beneficio per le le nostre vie aeree e la pelle(soprattutto per coloro che hanno allergia alla polvere).
La funzione ionizzatore si attiva con la pressione del tasto ION oppure premendo il tasto con l'albero sul telecomando.
Le altre due funzioni da segnalare sono la possibilità di attivare il timer e la possibilità di selezionare il livello di umidità desiderato: premendo il tasto setup si può raggiungere l'umidità desiderata selezionabile in un intervallo 5%-90% e una volta raggiunto il livello selezionato la macchina passa in stato di inattività regolando il flusso di vapore.Se il valore di umidità si dovesse abbassare l'umidificatore si rimette automaticamente in funzione.
Premendo due volte il tasto setup si può impostare il tempo di funzionamento automatico dell'umidificatore in un intervallo di 1-12 ore: la funzione più frequente è l'utilizzo notturno con un intervallo di 7-9 ore.
Di notte è impostabile la luce notturna premendo il tasto NIGHT-LIGHT: ne risulta una piacevole luce blu che si diffonderà in tutta la stanza.
Un prodotto che mi ha convinto e di cui avevo sottovalutato l'importanza finora: d'inverno con in termosifoni accesi l'aria tende a seccarsi provocando a lungo andare danni ai mobili e problemi all'apparato respiratorio.
Con l'umidificatore digitale Monaco di Klarstein ristabilirete il giusto livello di umidità nei vostri ambienti godendo quindi di notevoli benefici.
The humidifier is available in white and black colour. It has a very intuitive display on the front which signals the humidity level in the room where it is located. On the back there is the 6-litre tank which contains the antibacterial filter against dust, bacteria and mould. To be filled with water, the tank must be removed and turned upside down | you can use both home water and distilled water. Operation can be adjusted both using the keys located under the display and using the remote control supplied already with the batteries. Once switched on, the humidifier begins to dispense steam: 3 power levels are available which can be selected with the +/- | level 2 is activated by default. A thin layer of water vapor is produced thanks to ultrasound technology (180-400ml/h): the two nebulizer nozzles can be rotated so as to be able to direct the vapor better. Thanks to ultrasound technology, the humidifier works in almost total silence | the only more decisive noises occur when the keys are pressed to regulate their operation. The other two important functions of the Klarstein humidifier are the ionizer and timer programming. The ionizer helps to make the air in a room cleaner: the negative ions, in fact, bind to the particles suspended in the air (dust, aromas, smoke, pollen and bacteria) and charge them electrostatically. Consequently the dust will tend to bind to the surfaces it encounters (the walls of the room, for example) instead of fluttering, creating benefits for our airways and skin (especially for those who are allergic to dust). The ionizer function is activated by pressing the ION key or by pressing the tree key on the remote control. The other two functions worth mentioning are the possibility of activating the timer and the possibility of selecting the desired humidity level: by pressing the setup key, the desired humidity can be reached which can be selected in a range of 5%-90% and once the selected, the machine goes into inactivity status regulating the flow of steam. If the humidity value drops, the humidifier automatically restarts. By pressing the setup key twice, you can set the automatic operating time of the humidifier in a range of 1-12 hours: the most frequent function is night use with a range of 7-9 hours. At night, the night light can be set by pressing the NIGHT-LIGHT button: the result is a pleasant blue light that will spread throughout the room. A product that convinced me and whose importance I had so far underestimated: in winter, with radiators on, the air tends to dry out, causing damage to the furniture and respiratory system problems in the long run. With the Klarstein Monaco digital humidifier you restore the right level of humidity in your rooms and thus enjoy considerable benefits.
Sobald es draußen kälter wird und die Heizung eingeschaltet wird habe ich immer mit Halsschmerzen, Husten und einem trockenen Hals zu kämpfen. Schon seit Jahren habe ich immer einen Luftbefeuchter in der Wohnung stehen, da mir diese immer sehr gut helfen. Zum testen bekam ich nun den Klarstein Monaco intelligenter Design Ultraschall-Luftbefeuchter und dieser wurde gleich ausgiebig getestet. Auf Amazon ist er zur Zeit für 76,90 Euro erhältlich.
Der Ultraschall Luftbefeuchter ist in der Farbe schwarz und hat eine Größe von 22,5 x 33,5 x 19,5 cm. Wiegen tut er 1,9 Kilo. Auf der Vorderseite hat er ein Display welches zum einen Luftfeuchtigkeit und die Leistungsstufe anzeigt und auch noch mit blauen LED's ausgestattet ist. Darunter ist das Bedienelement. Hier habe ich zum einen den Ein- und Ausschalter, die Taste um die Leistungsstufe zu verstellen, ION, Setup und das Nachtlicht. Die Tasten reagieren sofort auf Druck und alles ist Selbsterklärend.
Um das Gerät in Betrieb zu nehmen sollte man es 30 Minuten stehen lassen, damit es Raumtemperatur bekommt. Nun kann ich den oberen Teil abnehmen und gelange so an den Wassertank. Diesen kann ich bequem unter dem Wasserhahn füllen, denn es passen schließlich 6 Liter dort hinein. Ist das Wasser eingefüllt, wird der Wassertank wieder verschlossen, alles wieder aufgesetzt und dann kann man es auch schon einschalten. Kaum ist der Stecker in der Steckdose fängt auch schon das LED Display blau an zu leuchten. Als erstes habe ich den Automatik Modus ausprobiert. Hier misst er stetig die Luftfeuchtigkeit und gleicht diese durch feinen Wassernebel bei Bedarf aus. Den Wassernebel kann man in drei Stufen einstellen. Oben drauf habe ich die Nebeldüsen, die sich komplett drehen lassen und ich so selber entscheiden kann in welche Richtung der Nebel gehen soll. Auf Stufe eins kommt ein leichter Wassernebel oben heraus. Auf Stufe zwei wird dieser schon um einiges kräftiger und auf Stufe drei sieht man schon vor lauter Nebel nichts mehr, wenn man direkt daneben sitzt.
Im Automatik Modus bleibt die Luftfeuchtigkeit im Raum immer gleichbleibend. Ist die Luftfeuchtigkeit erreicht, die Ideal ist, schaltet sich das Gerät aus und beginnt erst wieder mit der Arbeit, wenn die Luftfeuchtigkeit gesunken ist. Ich habe zum Beispiel 65% Luftfeuchtigkeit eingestellt und wenn diese erreicht ist, schaltet das Gerät ab. Erst wenn es wieder unter die 65% geht schaltet er sich wieder an.
Ich habe aber auch die Möglichkeit einen Timer einzustellen. Dieser kann auf bis zu 12 Stunden eingestellt werden und so kann ich den Luftbefeuchter auch mal laufen lassen, wenn ich nicht zu Hause bin. Sobald das Wasser zu wenig wird in dem Tank, gibt der Befeuchter einen Piepton ab und auch auf dem Display kann man das Symbol für den leeren Wassertank sehen. Aber auch hier muss man keine Panik bekommen und ständig nachschauen, denn das Gerät schaltet sich dann Automatisch ab.
Mein Sohn hat eine Staub- und Milbenallergie die ihn doch des öfteren zu schaffen macht. Aber auch dafür ist das Gerät Optimal denn es verfügt über einen Staub- und Mikrobenfilter. In diesem befinden sich Kunststoffkügelchen die mit antimikrobiellem Nanosilber versehen sind und in die Luft wird so entstaubt. Das funktioniert auch tatsächlich, denn seitdem das Gerät einmal am Tag bei meinem Sohn im Zimmer läuft hat er viel weniger Probleme mit seiner Allergie. Wenn ich die Taste ION drücke wird die Luft gesäubert. Der Mikrobenfilter lässt sich ganz einfach aus dem Gerät entnehmen und unter laufenden Wasser abspülen.
Der Wassernebel ist auch recht fein, dennoch hat man auf Stufe zwei und drei natürlich Wassertropfen, aber das finde ich nicht weiter schlimm. Man kann das gerät schließlich so aufstellen, dass nichts in der Nähe feucht werden kann. Das blaue LED Display ist zwar recht hell, aber mich stört es selbst im Schlafzimmer nicht. Ich bin da aber auch recht unempfindlich.
Das Gerät reinige ich einmal die Wochen mit kochenden Wasser. Dies löst Kalkablagerungen und geht schnell und kinderleicht. Also selbst die Pflege ist kein Problem. Alles wurde sauber und hochwertig verarbeitet, es gibt keine Spaltmaße und die Bedienung ist kinderleicht.
Ich kann das Gerät mit einem sehr guten Gewissen weiter empfehlen. Die Luftfeuchtigkeit im Raum wird erheblich besser, das Kartzen im Hals hört auf und selbst Staub- und Milbenallergien werden gemindert. Von mir gibt es fünf Sterne.
As soon as it gets colder outside and the heating is turned on, I always struggle with a sore throat, a cough and a dry throat. For years I have always had an air humidifier in my apartment because it always helps me a lot. I got the Klarstein Monaco intelligent design ultrasonic humidifier to test and it was tested extensively right away. It is currently available on Amazon for EUR 76.90. The ultrasonic humidifier is black in color and has a size of 22.5 x 33.5 x 19.5 cm. He weighs 1.9 kilos. On the front it has a display which shows the humidity and the power level and is also equipped with blue LEDs. Below is the control panel. Here I have the on and off switch, the button to adjust the power level, ION, setup and the night light. The buttons react immediately to pressure and everything is self-explanatory. To put the device into operation, you should let it stand for 30 minutes so that it gets to room temperature. Now I can remove the upper part and get to the water tank. I can easily fill this under the tap, because after all 6 liters fit in there. Once the water has been filled in, the water tank is closed again, everything is put back on and then you can switch it on. As soon as the plug is in the socket, the LED display starts to glow blue. The first thing I tried was the automatic mode. Here it constantly measures the humidity and compensates for it with fine water mist if necessary. The water mist can be adjusted in three stages. On top of that I have the fog nozzles, which can be rotated completely and I can decide for myself in which direction the fog should go. At level one, a light mist of water comes out at the top. At level two, it gets a lot stronger and at level three you can't see anything because of the fog if you sit right next to it. In automatic mode, the humidity in the room always remains constant. Once the ideal humidity level is reached, the device turns itself off and only starts working again when the humidity level has dropped. For example, I have set 65% humidity and when this is reached, the device switches off. Only when it goes back below 65% does it turn on again. But I also have the option to set a timer. This can be set for up to 12 hours, so I can let the humidifier run when I'm not at home. As soon as there is not enough water in the tank, the humidifier emits a beep and the symbol for the empty water tank can also be seen on the display. But here, too, you don't have to panic and keep checking, because the device then switches off automatically. My son has an allergy to dust and dust mites, which often bothers him. But the device is also ideal for this because it has a dust and microbe filter. In this there are plastic beads which are provided with antimicrobial nanosilver and the air is thus dedusted. This actually works, because since the device has been running once a day in my son's room, he has had far fewer problems with his allergies. When I press the ION button, the air is cleaned. The microbial filter can be easily removed from the device and rinsed under running water. The water mist is also quite fine, but of course you have water drops at level two and three, but I don't think that's a big deal. After all, you can set up the device in such a way that nothing nearby can get wet. The blue LED display is quite bright, but it doesn't bother me even in the bedroom. But I'm also quite insensitive to that. I clean the device once a week with boiling water. This dissolves limescale deposits and is quick and easy. So even maintenance is not a problem. Everything was processed cleanly and with high quality, there are no gaps and operation is child's play. I can recommend the device with a very clear conscience. The humidity in the room is significantly better, the sore throat stops and even dust and dust mite allergies are reduced. It's five stars from me.
Das Gerät ist toll aber kann ich dem Wasser einige Tropfen Duft beigeben?
The device is great but can I add a few drops of fragrance to the water?
Design accattivante e davvero molto funzionale, con la bocchetta che eroga il vapore in due direzioni, l'indicazione dell'umidità. Alla massima velocità (ci sono 3 livelli di velocità di generazione vapore) il serbatoio (circa 6 litri) dura 10/12 ore
Attractive and very functional design, with the nozzle that delivers steam in two directions, the humidity indicator. At maximum speed (there are 3 levels of steam generation speed) the tank (about 6 liters) lasts 10/12 hours
Der Luftbefeuchter rettet mich wirklich, wenn die Heizung auf Hochtouren läuft. Man kann das Gerät mit einer Fernbedienung dreistufig regulieren. Bin wirklich zufrieden.
The humidifier really saves me when the heating is on full blast. The device can be regulated in three stages with a remote control. I'm really satisfied.
Haben mir letztens den sehr praktischen Luftbefeuchter zugelegt. Ich kann bis jetzt noch keine negativen Aspekte an dem Gerät feststellen. Bin allgemein zufrieden mit dem Produkt. Mir gefällt die intelligente Automatik sehr gut, läuft bei jetzt ohne Probleme. Von der Geräuschentwicklung her kann ich mich nicht beschweren, stört ganz und gar nicht.
I recently bought the very practical humidifier. So far I can't find any negative aspects of the device. I am generally satisfied with the product. I like the intelligent automatic very much, now it runs without any problems. I can't complain about the noise development, it doesn't bother me at all.